Hellenism the big lie of the colonizers and the West
Imperialists and colonizers influence all social and cultural as well as other aspects such as internal and external policy making of the underdeveloped and colonized countries which they dominate. This influence takes several forms and shapes, open and hidden as well as true and false. The influence takes shape in form of interfering in social, administrative and historic events of the dominated countries. They invent schools, philosophies, religions and much such nonsense in order to show themselves to be superior and us to be inferior, we must passionately defend our history and take it away from enemies paws.
Since the beginning of 19th century colonizers who had taken over almost the whole world with massacres, lies and force were looking for their genealogical tree and the making of their superior race. For a couple of centuries before that they tried hard to make Rome as a symbol of culture and government and science and present a base for their antecedent but in Italy and Roman history there were not many useful evidence except for a few ruins that were not of much use for proving their race as superior, so they invented the lie that is known as Hellenism and made it big and important.
Underneath the mosques of Istanbul, the capital of the Ottomans, which were previously the Churches of the Eastern Roman Empire, they found papers that were not worth much during the Ottomans rule and there were not those who could read them well. They took these papers to London and Berlin and Paris and translated them and attached a whole lot of lies and stories to them and presented them as history and old events. These bits of papers were in their time written lies that were used in the Eastern Roman Empire to justify the Church and Synagogues and the making of a fabricated country in Anatolia and the Western part of Greater Iran and the Middle East.
Dear friend do not be so simple as to be fooled by these lies, please search for the real truth. Let us not allow the fabricated Hellenism be used to attack the world especially the Greater Iran. Why did they not invent the Parthianism? Have you asked yourself yet, where and how did the first documents of the fabricated Herodotus come from? Anush Ravid will no longer allow such lies be sold to the nations and it is hoped that you help with important task.
Hellenism was first used by a German historian in 1836 and thereafter it was used to distinguish a historic, political, cultural and artistic period in Greece marked by the appearance of governments in the fabricated Greek Empire's regions after the death of the fabricated Alexander the Great. The historians of the colonizers placed this period between 330 and 27 B.C. Why they did not extend this period to after the birth of Christ merits further thinking and questioning. The geographical regions Hellenism is supposed to have covered were north to south Russia, India and southern Egypt, Northern Africa and the Mediterranean coast. They considered the city of Taksila in Pakistan as belonging to the Hellenic era's works. They stupidly claim that after the conquest of the East by Alexander of Macedonia, there appeared a fusion of thoughts, religions and arts from East and West which changed the Greek architecture. Those stupid writers in order to attack the cultural richness of the Greater Iran write that; events, complexities and surprising advance of the Hellenic culture resulted in an architectural method with a huge and varied scale which was far superior to what a classic town and country could do at the time which needed a special advancement. Those idiots do not realize that this statement is in itself an obvious confession that Hellenism is a lie.
At the time of the invention of Hellenism we see the influence of the colonizers over the Ghajar dynasty which is clear to everyone; of course one can extend this interference to before and after the Ghajar period because essential and radical changes to Iran's social history had not been brought about to counter their interference. However, after two Imperial wars and the inability of the old colonizers to rule the world and their acquisition of new methodology which we call neo colonization, possibilities have risen for the nations to bring about useful and practical strategy to counter this influence.
In the fabrication of Hellenism much nonsense has been written, for example they say that "the art of Hellenism has influenced the art of the Parthian era a great deal and undoubtedly it is true but we cannot say anything about it because we have nothing tangible from them". Elsewhere they say "there is a great deal of original Iranian art in Hellenism and there is little Greek art in Hellenism which in any case is very transitory and superficial". Hertsfeld one of the agents of the colonizers is a famous researcher into Hellenism who has done a great deal of research in to the art of the Parthian era and he believes that the art of this period is a combination of Iranian and Greek paintings however it can be confirmed that the Iranian art has remained untouched in its original form in this period. One can see that all the stupid enemies of Iran believe that Hellenism is nonsense.
Throughout history colonizers have fabricated history in order to accomplish their objectives, they paint a pretty picture of democracy in the countries under their influence, create such institutions as parliaments, governments council, an independent judiciary and even political and military opposition etc in order to fooled the people. For example in this age of internet and satellite TV they create virtual caricaturist political movements in order to mislead mass movements and create an atmosphere of division and animosity between the peoples of the Greater Iran and they do this by fabricating history and lies. One of the games played by the same satellite agents is the lie that Arabs, Turks and the Kurds have been historically hostile to each other. Anush Ravid always asks the dear readers to be vigilant, for example, Iraq and Southern Persian Gulf region is a natural political and historic extension of the Greater Iran and all their affairs both in the past and present has to do with the Greater Iran. If one takes an opposing view saying that in the past they have been hostile and historically estranged, I believe it to be unrealistic, unprincipled and politically motivated and in a way fooled by the enemy's and colonizer's tricks. This is in no way a reason to send troops to or attack these areas politically but one must encourage the finding of historic realities and social history.
The New Imperialism and the Capitalism without Identity
I have often heard and seen that analysts have little knowledge of the first stage of the New Imperialism of the 21st century and Capitalism without Identity and in general, confuse this Imperialism with that of the last century and especially the Imperialism of the first half of the twentieth century. Therefore they base their analysis and research on that perspective. Knowing historic facts and social evolution away from historic lies is of utmost importance in social, political and economic analysis of planners and policymakers. Most analysts and researches are above fifty years old and many view the capabilities of computers and internet as far as websites, emails and interchange of films and photographs and have no true idea of the role of this powerful tool that in true competition with humans is responsible for rapid changes in social evolution and history. It is important to have a true comprehension of erratic changes that occur in the 21st century. I have explained this in the century of anti traditions and the blog campaign for the removal of lies from Iran’s history can also be of great help. Of course for those stuck in the 20th century and before, understanding such issues is impossible but the new wave generation in the thought building workshop for the organization of looking into the future can benefit from them. In order to clarify such points I have prepared the following article and shall gradually expand and add to it. The well known tri lingual Persian, English and Spanish translator from Khoonegeli has voluntarily accepted the task of translating the articles of the weblog.
Anoush Raavid’s articles have no political preference neither do they represent a particular social movement; they are merely of geographic and historical interest.
Since the beginning of the 14th century and with the appearance of the new bourgeoisie, especially in Venice and Amsterdam and its influence over the ancient continent meaning Western Asia and also Northern Africa, there appeared the civilization differences.
The European new bourgeoisie confronted the tribal organizations of this part of the globe. At that time Eastern Europe was going through the feudal period. This new bourgeoisie in two centuries managed to evolve into the bourgeoisie of the 16th century and by building better ships began to consolidate its power superiority over other civilizations in the world.
It is important to remind ourselves that culture and its varieties are different from the history of civilization (social evolution) and its stages. For those interested please refer to the structures of social history.
Civilization differences over the centuries became less and less due to the evolution of societies, until now that we are in the 21st century which is the subject of this article. Many historians view historic stages of colonialism and its continuation in the 20th century i.e. Imperialism as cruel, evil and deadly, however, it is a phenomenon that has happened in human society and with knowledge of the 21st century we will realize that it is no more than social history of human societies. Today, at the beginning of the 21st century a new form of civilization has appeared in social history that has special geopolitics and strategy for which many use the terminology the New Imperialism although no specific name has been allocated by common consensus.
With the appearance of new technologies and internet and their widespread use in the communication revolution or explosion, the financial structures of the world have undergone radical changes. This is especially true in traditional or national Capitalism, International Capitalism which has been greatly influenced by the new technologies and has been transformed into a new form of Capitalism, - Capitalism without Identity or borderless Capitalism. Since the beginning of the 21st century no one knows the true identity of the shareholders dealing in stock markets and what plans they have. We are faced with an organization that has no practical social principles, functions in a totally new way where there is a new theory of shortsightedness. It is not clear where the owners of the Capital are, from which country or bank, they simply do not want to be identified. This new Capitalism without identity needs to open new frontiers and has been created to achieve new aims for which the Imperialism of the 20th century did not have the capabilities so what has come into the social evolutionary field to achieve these aims is called, for the time being, the New Imperialism.
The fall of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre was the end of the so called International Capitalism whose executor arm was the last stage of the Imperialism of the second half of the 20th century. This fall was the beginning of Capitalism without borders and in order to achieve that there were the invasions of Iraq, Afghanistan and the Persian Gulf.
In fact, the New Imperialism is of the software type which has come about as the result of human social evolution and it is inevitable. We can only appreciate it by having thorough knowledge of the capabilities of the internet and computers and pass thorough this stage.
The new software called the New Imperialism requires for its function a hardware which for the time being are the old Imperialists, and this hardware requires backup planning which the market of the new Capitalist without Identity manages. The real owners of this Capitalism may be anywhere and in any form, - for example it may be a monarch, a prime minister, a leader, a wealthy person, a banker or any other person who one would least expect. Therefore the sum of this Capitalism is looking for a complete economic hegemony and in order to achieve this creates a strategy that has no geopolitical basis and only seeks to protect its interests and this is in very difficult if not near impossible harmony with the masses, precisely the principles that require other factors to be involved. Many intellectuals fall short of a thorough analysis of the New Imperialism and Capitalism without Identity and view matters as black and white, superficially and at geographical level. In fact what we are seeing is a passing of a socio historic evolutionary stage. Of course analysis within geographical borders is necessary but one must also see the broader picture.
In order to clarify what I mean by the New Imperialism and Capitalism without Identity, I shall write a few lines about current economic and political affairs.
At the time of the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan by the US and its allies, the policymakers were living in the last stage of the 20th century Imperialism. Technological changes rapidly shifted the world into a new era and no one could prevent an explosion in communication and information and the unity amongst the nations, be it the Taliban in Afghanistan or Saddam Hussein from Tekrit. The policymakers however were unable to fully appreciate this important factor. This lack of comprehension was clear in the faces of the prime ministers and the presidents of the invading countries. Neither they nor their advisers were able to fully analyze the new situation because they were all living still in the last stage of the social evolution and did not have enough knowledge of the history of social evolution.
In the remote past each evolutionary period used to take thousands of years and in recent centuries a few centuries and now it has diminished to a few years. They had not appreciated this rapid advance in evolutionary stages and still those that are sitting in their place have not fully realized this. For example, insistence in sending more troops and keeping them in parts of the old continent is a thinking of the last century. The new Capitalism without Identity is against such actions and is against sanctions against Iran for example which endangers its productions and plans. In order to fight the old traditional Capitalism such as sales of arms etc, the software of the New Imperialism has infiltrated the governments left over from the last century and has added to the confusion. In fact, the Capitalism without Identity is the owner of international Capitalism and the foundation of the New Imperialism and these two complement each other on whose rails the train of the current civilization is riding.
The masses, even those that are Capitalists without Identity or those playing their parts are all involved in the social evolutionary changes. Some analysts mistakenly view this evolutionary stage in the human civilization as economic, social and political crisis and hence mistakes are made in planning and policymaking.
This is a website for specialists in history and geography; therefore I wish not to fill it with stories and tales like the mass production books of the 20th century.
All the stages of human civilization stem from economic methods, religions and cultures are also obey the economic lines and are created according to each economy. As I have said before events in the past used to take long to materialize and as time passes they become shorter and shorter and predicting the future becomes more and more difficult. What is obvious is that this stage will also pass but we can easily influence the future by reading and following Anoosh Ravid´s weblogs.
A couple of centuries ago the intellectuals of the time, in describing and analyzing socio historic structures divided the world into the Asian and the European production. In so dividing the world, they never explained each social or historic stage and only used expressions which were unique in their analysis. For example they used to say that Asian production had existed since the ancient past and was seen also in Europe and America, they used expressions without qualification and with utmost confusion and ambiguity as far as the social evolution is concerned. Therefore if we look at past analysis and not learn from them we have made a grave mistake and will be confused as a result. Writers and analysts living in the past centuries did not have the enormous communication and informational means available to us today so their views were very different.
The policymakers, planners and those in charge of the Imperialism of the second half of the 20th century were a few aged people who could not appreciate the historical lies and did not know the realities of the turns of destiny. Therefore they left no impression of themselves as far as the principles of social evolution were concerned and what they had in mind was confined to the knowledge of Imperialism of the first half of the 20th century. They had not even learned any lessons from the colonial era so had no vision for renewal or alternatives. From the beginning of the 21st century, events caused by the information and communication revolution took us down new tracks which they knew nothing of and hence did not realize that the world was moving beneath their feet.
In the beginning of 2010 we see and hear that China and the US are facing against each other and in fact since the beginning of the century these two countries will not have be able to live without each other. By a simple analysis we realize that it is in fact the New Imperialism and Capitalism without Identity that is showing its face in China and against it is the final stage of the Imperialism of the 20th century. Any thoughtful person who has become aware of the stages of social evolution by reading Anoush Raavid’s weblogs will realize which of these two will replace the other as the next stage in social evolution. According to this view point, New Imperialism unlike colonialism and Imperialism will not have national or nationalistic dependency or belong to a particular power or country but it will be managed by Capitalism without Identity and could be based anywhere.
In the continuation of social evolution of the material life of humanity, the foundation of the New Imperialism was laid in the latter decade of the 20th century, formed in the first decade of the 21st century and will evolve in the second decade and in the next decade it will transform itself into a new shape. In the second decade of the 21st century countries and lands left over from the previous eras of material civilizations are doomed to destruction. In this decade extreme democracy and natural federalism which are the objectives of the New Imperialism and Capitalism without Identity become commonplace and eventually the civilization of materialism gives way to that of anti materialism.
I would invite all the parties interested in geography and history to participate in this discussion as to gain a common result. Continues
The ancient continent
The ancient continent is a vast historic land with a civilized and historic people who lived together happily for centuries and who have been the pioneers of science and humanities. Parts of this land include the Greater Saudi Arabia, Kurdistan, Turkistan each of which has kind people and a glorious history. Today, the ancient land includes Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kirghizstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Cypress, Northern Caucasus, Ostia, Abkhazia, Astrakhan, Chechnya, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Sinai, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, The Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Yemen, Sin Kiang which means a population of 700 million and an area of 14m squared km. This continent has moderate and polite people who are familiar with the art of living, who are keen on science and knowledge with a sense and a feel for family and humanity. The ancient continent can be a name given to describe their life essence. Remembering the ancient continent name can portray solidarity and their oneness which in today’s continuation of the Imperialist attack meaning the new Imperialism can be a reason for organizing common military and cultural defense which can also remind us of the long stolen true history and culture by the historic lies.
Historic enemies of this ancient continent deny the past history and culture of this land and falsely claim that democracy, architecture, chemistry, mathematics, geometry, astrology, communications, literature etc were born in Europe. The enemies of the ancient land have not confined themselves to such sciences but also have claimed to be the pioneers of human arts such as sculpture, theatre, musical composition and tens of others and with big lies such Hellenism have spread these in the world as their own, and the gullible fall for such lies. Thousands of scientists, philosophers and poets who throughout centuries have served humanity cannot be known as citizens of a particular country according to today’s country borders, an example of such great figures are Molavi, Birooni, Poorsina, Eghbal Lahoori, Khaje Abdollah Ansari, Bidel, Kharazmi, Marvarzi, Makhdoom Gholi, Naser Khosro, Rudaki, Nezami Ganjavi and tens of others which by itself is a sign of unity of the peoples of the ancient land. For a whole century the sportspersons of the ancient land are stuck in the Asian Games. It is not only the sports of the ancient land that suffers this fate; Other organizations of the ancient land have been drowned by the Imperialists plans in the continent and have no voice. Local sports and games which are a sign of the closeness of these peoples of the ancient land have not made their way into the Olympic games due to the Imperialist influence. Where have words and expressions such as the Middle East, The Asia Minor, and The Far East come from? Why such vocabulary did not exist prior to Colonialism. In no geography book prior to the Bourgeoisie and Imperial period such words are seen. In fact there are political reasons for their creation which I shall begin to analyze and I would ask the interested parties to do likewise. Imperialists in order to achieve their objectives and distance the peoples from each other created new geographic vocabularies and in continuation invented historic lies and started to draw borders. In 90% of this border making the British Empire played the main role. By creating political borders and creating countries they separated large parts of land whose peoples lived by a common culture and civilization throughout history and who shared the same customs and colorful traditions. With ferocious Imperialist wickedness they subdivided each tribe and people into several divisions and placed them in a particular country in order to turn them against each other with fabricated historic lies. For example they placed the Tajikistanis in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Iran, the Kurds in Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Syria and the Arabs in small countries with different tribes, the Baluchis in Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan and so they placed all the peoples of the ancient continent into different man made countries. The superiority of the Bourgeois civilization to that of the tribal organization at the beginning of the colonial era and the military superiority of the Imperialist system to the newly formed feudal regimes of the ancient continent were the key to the success of this division and the creation of the new countries.
Today, new Imperialism with the subvert support of Asian countries such as China and Japan have decided to break up the existing countries of the ancient continent into smaller ones in order to maximize their profit.
The peoples of the ancient continent who have lived in this geographical part have been united socially and economically which is evident by their common festivities such as Nowrooz. Therefore the countries of this ancient continent should form social, political, economic and military unions in order to confront the European and the American invasions. They should be highly efficient in self management and should use scientific federalism. Lack of knowledge and efficient management in federal organizations results in Imperialists influence and infiltration in smaller societies. It is necessary for the intellectuals and the various publications to write about the ancient continent in various languages. A lack of clear and true knowledge about the ancient continent will be very costly for its peoples in the future.
The westerners have had a plan drawn up for the past 200 hundred years and are executing that plan step by step although sometimes events such as the two world wars delayed their implementation for a few years nevertheless it has not stopped them completely. These are plans for forming and running the world affairs, what is obvious is that in those plans there is no high place for the peoples of the ancient continent. It is up to the peoples of this land to try and by precise analysis of the situation catch the Imperialists out and peacefully impose a bright future for the planet.
One of the plans is the economic unions of East and South East Asia which we observe in various socio-economic forms. Japan wanted to have sole control of these unions prior to the Second World War but was oppressed. Over the past two hundred years the peoples of the ancient continent have been ignorant of events and they still are, in fact the same planners have fooled these people with their historic lies and have been stealing their natural resources and so far what has left is a barren land without any production or knowhow.
From a different perspective, the analysis of the creation of an ancient continent is a scientific task, considering that science is neither good nor bad it simply is a weight, so it can be analyzed and discussed by the intellectuals without any prejudice or emotions involved. One should bear in mind that the world today is a different place to what it was 30 or 40 years ago when people could be fooled by superstitions and magic and taken for a ride, hence kept away from scientific reasoning. Today’s world is one of communication and the scientific knowledge of the world is added to by the moment and the new generation by making good use of this technology will go its way but it would be better also to have a plan. Anoosh Ravid looks forward to hearing from the people from the “new wave”.
As we see at the beginning of the 21st century the future of the peoples of the ancient continent has taken on a special importance, military invasions, the socio political pressures from the east and the west of this continent have placed it in a bad state because the enemies of this continent consider its population as worthless consumers, troublemakers and terrorists. The realistic and insightful guys know that a failure to address these issues will be horrific for the future of the continent so for a bright future one must not raise the head and look to the sky which is what the enemy wants but one must have plans with clear strategy and tactics aspired by up to date science and technology. Otherwise, there will be more lies in the history of the nations and there will be even more nations who are enemies and the wars and bloodshed and the looting of the strangers will increase tremendously.
The ancient continent was made up of peoples who lived happily together; they shared common customs and traditions such as the New Year celebrations Nowrooz. I would say to the young generation of this continent that enough is enough, one must leave aside simplicity, and you should try and read the hand of the enemy of these nations and create an antidote. Note that the enemy makes use of the best technology and means available today, they were successful in the past coming over with sailing ships and it used to take them several months to get here let alone today. However we can be victorious with precise nationalistic tactics. One must move with time, each social theoretician must consider the facts that a society that is not progressive is doomed to failure and abuse. The historic lies and realities must be taken into account. Today with the invent of the internet the historic eras have become shorter and shorter, fifty thousand years ago it used to take ten thousand years for a knot to be learnt to be tied or an animal domesticated but now the most complicated matters only take man a few moments to solve. The intellectuals and the thinkers of the ancient continent should know well the historic process in the 21st century and this is only possible away from the historic lies of the enemies. Following Anoosh Ravid´s blogs can be a help in knowing the process. Do you have anything to say about the ancient continent?
The Ancient Continent and the Emergence of Civilization
Civilizations and first governments in the world appeared in the ancient continent, in the Egyptian Nile, Mesopotamia, Transoxiana, the Indus Valley (Sind) and two or three other places in China and India. Soon after Nile became under the influence of Mesopotamia and Iran became the centre of the three governments and civilizations, namely Mesopotamia, Transoxiana and Sind. The civilizations of Western India and China lagged behind and took longer to have official governments. Therefore Iran became the cradle of world civilization and counted with the first and the most powerful governments. This important issue was a geographical gift to the Iranians and hence we have dangerous enemies. Today these enemies are contaminating t Elam, the Medes and the Archimedeans. It is therefore our responsibility to wipe clean the history of the first human civilization from lies of the enemies which calls for a unity of all the nations and countries of the greater Iran. If we fail and the lies continue, there will be much trouble in the future. In the world where the enemies want us obliterated, one should not take lies as history, there is a force and determination within us left by our glorious history that we must take seriously. We should detach our future and destiny from the enemies´ lies. If a colonial historian has “helped” us discover a part of our history it has been for their own benefit and not ours. These historians have taken advantage of the simplicity and the good heartedness of the Iranians in the last few centuries and have written the pages to their advantage and benefit. Our ancestors knew well that greatness and glory were never handed over to anyone freely; one should know the enemy and fight him. This task would not be possible without self sacrifice, solidarity and respect for one another, let us be united and disciplined in the removal of lies in our history. With special Iranian politeness everyone can contribute to the removal of lies from the history of the greater Iran. This can be a virtual and scientific history-geographical movement where every Iranian can participate and contribute according to his or her ways and knowledge and enter the battle field of history with new science.
In the past our enemies have written and told lies about our history, they have fabricated our history. A few centuries later the colonial powers amplified these lies and by tricks such as implementing them into the school curriculum they have managed to impose them on our children as history. In other places, the gullible have used the lies to patronize the Iranians. Let us begin by uncovering the lies with Iranian self esteem and courage and discover our true history in a great national movement. In the last two hundred years the pawns of Colonialists, the Imperialists and the Zionists have been very active in fabricating the histories of the nations and the frontiers so we should be careful in recognizing them. By carefully reading this blog you can discover their tactics, express your views, ask questions and join us.
The ancient continent, the secret of history and a new foundation in history
The countries an the lands of the ancient continent from the first eastern step,-
1 - The province of Sian Kiang Chin, this made up name was to erase the identity of this ancient land. In history the northern part with its centre in Uremchi was called Turkestan and the southern part with its centre in Yarkand used to be called Kashghar. This historic land has an area of 1.80000 sq km and a population of 80.000 million who historically were the Turks, the Ighur and the Tajiks with a 10% Chinese immigrant population in the last 50 years. From the second half of the 20th century this ancient land has been given over to eastern Asia.
2 - The Republic of Kazakhstan with an area of 2717300 sq km and a population of 22m, its largest city and ex capital called Alma-Ata with a population of 2m. The population made up of Turks and Kazaks and Muslims from a no longer existing ancient country of Bulgar plus other Muslims from the ancient land who form 80% of the population. Currency, - Toman.
3 - The republic of Kirghizia, area 198500 sq km, population 5m Kirghiz, Uzbek, Turks and Muslims, 10% are Russians, currency Ruble.
4 - Kashmir, area 240000 sq km, population 20m Muslims
5 - Islamic Republic of Pakistan the most inhabited country of the ancient continent, area 804 sq km, population 180m Muslims, the whole population has ancestry in the ancient continent.
6- The Republic of Tajikistan area 143000 sq km, population 7m, 90% have ancestral roots in the country and are Muslims, 70% are Tajiks, 20% are Uzbeks and Tatar, 10% Russian who were migrated there out of animosity between 1925 and 1975. Currency is Samani which comes from a historic dynasty called Samanids.
7 - Republic of Afghanistan, area 647500 sq km, according to unofficial figures has a population between 30 and 40 m, 100% of the population have roots in their land and are Muslims. Currency; Afghani
8 - Republic of Uzbekistan, area 437000 sq km, population 25m, 95% of whom have ancestral roots in their land, 5% Russian.
9 - Turkmenistan, area 488000 sq km, population 5m, 95% Muslims with their roots in the ancient continent, 5% Russians who were migrated there for conquest between 1925 and 1975.
10 - Iran 1648000 sq km, population 75m of which around 5m live outside the country and play important roles in their country of residence. 100% of the Iranians have roots in the ancient continent.
11 - The Sultanate of Oman, area 212000 sq km, population 3m.
12 - Republic of Yemen, area 528000sq km, population 18m all of whom are Arab Muslims with roots in the ancient continent.
13 - The Sultanate of Saudi Arabia, area 2240000 sq km with a population of 25m, 100% Muslims with roots in the ancient continent.
14 - The United Arab Emirates, 84000 sq km, and a population of 3m
15 - The Sultanate of Qatar area 11400 sq km, population 1m
16 - Bahrain 691 sq km, half a million population.
17 - Republic of Azerbaijan, area 86600 sq km, population 8m 95% are Muslims and have roots in the ancient continent.
18- The land of Northern Caucasus, area 400000 sq km population 40m, 90% have roots in the ancient continent
19 - Republic of Chechnya
20 - Republic of Ostia
21 - Republic of Georgia, without Abkhazia and Ostia, area 50sq km and population of 5m.
22 - Republic of Abkhazia
23 - Republic of Iraq, area 438000sq km, population 25 to 30m, all with roots in the ancient continent
24 - Republic of Turkey, area 780000sq km, population 65m, 100% with roots in the ancient continent
25 - Republic of Syria, area 185000 sq km, population of 18m with deep roots in history.
26 - The constitutional sultanate of Jordan, area 88570 sq km, population 5m
27- Republic of Lebanon, area 10400 sq km, population 4m
28 - The Arab Palestinian land
29 - The state of Israel, area 27000 sq km, population 7m
30 - Siena Peninsula
31 - Republic of Cypress area 9251 sq km, population 1m
32 - Kareemeh Peninsula
33 - Kuwait
Important Historic Points
In order to reach the objectives of a new Iran in an ancient continent we need to have complex economic and socio political plans whose prerequisite is having roots in history and which need to be drawn up after research in a democratic environment with keeping the principles of scientific federalism.
Therefore, first one needs to know about history and social evolution for which the blog “Campaign for the removal of lies from Iran’s history” can be a good reference. One should also bear in mind the geographic capabilities, the glorious history and the intelligence of the people of this ancient continent. We should advance our thoughts and have a broader view than we had in the past and defeat the Imperialists plans with new thoughts. As it appears under the present circumstances we can have no hope in useful futuristic plans from governmental and semi governmental academic institutions, in fact the historic enemies of this ancient continent do not want the great and colourful people of this continent who share the same culture be united.
Let me mention another point. From the 15th and 16th century Europe began a move towards Capitalism or in other words Initial Bourgeoisie and the European ministers and merchants were becoming active in the ancient continent. The people of the ancient continent were extremely attached to their past history and were not prepared to leave behind their tribalism and create a new civilization. This tribalism was indeed very useful in its days and the Arsacids by removing the sacral kingship had started it all. This thought of seeking stagnation in a civilization or attachment to the past and present social era propelled Europe into the future which saw its rival and obstacle in a backward phase. Therefore in a single leap colonialism was born which was itself a danger to the old continent.
In the 21st century one must see events with the knowledge of the 21st century and not that of the previous centuries in the hope that it may compensate for the lost historic steps and hence perhaps prevent a total destruction of the ancient continent by being pressed between Europe and the Far East. Failure to address this important issue will have dire consequences in this century.
Anoush Raavid / IRAN /
* Campaign for erasing the lies from the history of Iran *
* Campaign for the removal of lies from Iran's history *
The above article in full written in Farsi: The attack of Alexander of Macedonia, the biggest lie in history.
Iran's invasion by the Arabs, the second biggest lie in history.
Iran's invasion by the Moguls, the third biggest lie in history.
In order to understand the truth about history read all the articles in Anoush Raavid’s web logs:
English: http://www.raavid.blogfa.com
Farsi: http://ravid.ir
Revelando las mentiras de la historia
En la historia y en la historia social hay muchas mentiras, mentiras que han influenciado el destino de la humanidad y desviado la planificación y el futuro, mentiras como las siguientes:
La invasión a Irán por Alejandro de Macedonia, la mentira más grande de la historia;
La invasión a Irán por los Árabes nómadas, la segunda mentira más grande de la historia;
La invasión a Irán por Chengiz el mogol, la tercera mentira más grande de la historia;
Mentiras significativas como la guerra de Gadesiyyeh y la batalla de Chaldran;
Mentiras sobre las culturas, como el helenismo…
Análisis e investigación de todas las mentiras de la historia en el blog:
Movimiento para erradicar las mentiras de la historia de Irán.
Únase a este movimiento y vea el mundo desde una perspectiva distinta.
Tour de Irán: visite todos los lugares históricos e interesantes, a muy buen
precio y con un excelente servicio.
Tour of Iran: visit all the historic and interesting places, competitive prices and excellent service, please contact :
The lies of history, Ancient history, Aryan history, The history of ancient Persia, the history of the art, the history of Alexander, the history of Hellenism, the history of the Arabs, the history of Genghis Khan and the Mongols, the history of the Uzbeks, the history of democracy and the revelation of the lies of history.
Personal profile:
A collection of personal opinions and articles on history and social history by Anush Raavid, blacksmith and history investigator.
In Anush Raavid's weblogs you read new theory on the fate of the Greater Iran which is the fruit of experience in the field of scientific history and social history, a combination of using new technology together with the knowledge and science the of 21st century. In order to create and nourish values, plan for the future, it is important to know the truth about history and social history of Iran away from lies of the enemies and the idiots.
In order to promote and continue the movement for eradicating lies from the history of Iran, I have paid attention to an effective and sustainable strategy such as a combination of tangible and intangible arguments with particular specialities. Moreover, alternative credentials and advantages, acquisition of abilities and capacities paves the way for obtaining practical objectives.
In this era, the enemies of beloved Iran, in geographic competition and with their advantages, try replacing bigger lies with the present lies but we have vast potentials and contained energies which because of the present situation and lack of mental organization in the new wave and generation have not been used. For the younger generation, giving priority to technology in all strategic analysis and the recognition of the limitations of today's classic model in history and social history is of special importance. I have therefore, taken into account all the above points in my weblogs as far as I can which I hope it to be useful.