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پژوهشکده و فرهنگسرای کلبه روستایی راویدسرا

نوشته های انوش راوید از پژوهشکده و فرهنگسرای کلبه روستایی راویدسرا/ پیگیری مطالب در لینک >>> www.arq.ir

Research in the history of new continents

Research in the history of new continents

The history presence of Muslims and Iranian in the America before Columbus

Scholar and Author

Dr.Hamid Shafizadeh

The history presence of Muslims and Iranian in the America before Columbus

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Research in the history of new continents



Introduction -12

The story of discovery of America narrated by westerners-23

Christopher Columbus in Arabic garment-25

Manipulation of the history-29

The real story of Christopher Columbus-29

A priest discovered Columbus’s secret-31

Did westerners able to discover America scientifically and technologically-33

Henry the Navigator-33

Europeans were not able to sail until 1485 and they only moved alongside the sea shore-38

Pictures of ships Muslim and Iranians from the 13th century-40

In Iran the same way as the old wooden ships are still being produced-61

Needed tools for Mapping and Sailing in sea-65

A flying Pig in the sky-70

Where have these precise maps come from?-71

Precise Pendulum clock made by Muslims in 12th century A.D in Henduras-72

Map of world of Martin Waldseemülle-73

Dragon Invert or ‘’Sod America-76

Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwārizmī’s map from America-77

Abū al-ʿAbbās Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn Kathīr al-Farghānī prepared the scene for Columbus’s move toward America-79

Did Nasīr al-Dīn Tūsī know America?-79

Abolsana Esfahani and discovery of America-80

Abū al-Rayhān Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Bīrūnī and America-80

What is the source of Sud-America?-81

Muslims were masters of westerners in sailing and making ships-83

Foolishness and trick of westerners in maps of 16th and 17th century AD-85

When Australia becomes South Pole-87

Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwārizmī’s map from Australia (c. 780 – c. 850)-90

Muslim’s seal (stamp) on Spanish map-92

Western map by an Arab map drawer-92

America map belonged to Hamdolah Mostufi-94

Haj Seyed Mahmud Shams’s America ma-95

Zakariya Ghazvini’s America map (13th century Atl-97

Haj Pir Resiee’s map in 1513 AH

Haj Ahmad’s map-98

America’s map by Hamdollah Farsi Mostowfi (1329AD)-102

Hudson Bay or Caspian (khazar sea)-104

America was discovered by Mostafa Zamuri, Muslim man-105

The map which Christopher Columbus had with himself-107

A Muslim's map from 16th century AD which is similar to satellite images-109

Nimrouz: The Middle of Ancient World-110

Globe Celeste, Isfahan Iran 1144 AD-113

Meridian mounted on a crown of kings in ancient Iran.-115

Central meridian was passed from Iran (Esfahan) until 1851 AD-118

Didn’t Indians have any civilization?-122

Why did Indians beautiful cities destroyed?-125

Westerners were saved by Indian in the first years after their arrival to America: (Thanksgiving Day)-127

Maya and Aztec tribes and especially Incas at the arrival of westerners to America were equal to them in scientific fields up to early 20th century-129

Indians or Bani Hamra (بنی حمرا) or Phoenician-130

Mohamad (Islam’s prophet) and Imam Ali (P.b.u.H) and Iranian Indians-131

Letter of Muawiyah bin Abi-Sufyan to the second khalife about Iranian’s skills in saling and ship construction.-132

Phoenician’s map from America and world-135

Imam Khomeini’s view about Iran and Lebenon-139

Phoenician Alphabet which is created by this tribe and other alphabets such as latine is derived from it-140

Numbers invented by an Iranian scientist (Al Khawarizmi)-141

Why red sea is named as so?-143

Why did people of Arab call Iranians red skin people?-144

Pars (Persia) sea or Red-Colored Sea or Eritrean sea-148

Three traditions common   (Fundamental and constitutional) between Iranians and Indians.-151

Ancient Iranians with feather hat similar Indian America-151

Giving sign by fire and smoke-154.

Name of countries in America-155-

Richard America-156

America has this name before westerners.-156

America or Markan a plain in Iran-157

Knights of Beitol Moghadas (Jerusalem) temple and Markan terridery-159

Markan or Amazon River-160

Peru is derived from Iranian “Porrud”-162

Brazil or black lam(barsil بره سیاه) country-165

Islam in Brazil based on British documents-171

The comments of the lecturer Dr. Ali El Kettani-172

Amazon is Persian name. “Amaآما ”means girl and “zonزن ” means woman (zan)-173

Dariyan (Darius I (Old Persian: Dārayava(h)uš; New Persian: داریوش یکم هخامنشی c. 550–486 BCE)  region-179

Guanahani (Akhavan Hani (Hani brothers اخوان هانی-)-181

Guadalupe Island -182

Mexico or –Makhku or Mazku or Mahku-186

Guadalajara city in Mexico-190

Coatepec city in Mexico-191

There mosque in Tenochtitlan city in Mexico-192

This big idle was considered their national god-195

Natives from Peru in Islamic clath (1671 AD)-196

Betseda city with tall menarets (prayer tower) in Mexico-197

There is other reason than Islam in Mexico-198

A mosque with Iranian- Mexico and tile design-198

Is here Iran or America?-200

Iranian woman in Mexico and America, in Mexico City-201

Indian tribes of America and Canada-202

A man from Mazandaran went America before Columbus-207

Madineh city in America-208

Farsi and Arabic words in Indian language-210

Nomads (Ashayer) of Iran-211

Nomads in History-213

Handful of Indian tribes America that similarity to faces and rituals and tradition whit peoples of Iranian-278

An important evidence indicating presence of Iranians in America and Canada--278

Iroquois Indian tribe-281

Indian who say their Prayer-285

Niayeshgar (نیایشگر waterfall, An Iranian name from Iroquois tribe.-297

Cherokee tribe (Sharuki or Shahrokhi)-303

Huron TRIB -400

Delaware Tribe-315

Shawnee Indian tribe-325

Mahican or Mahikhan tribe-329

Micmac tribe-331

Malaseet tribe-336

Suk tribe--338


Mandan or Rey tribe-354


Seminole Indian tribe-367

Abraham of the Seminoles-373





Ottawa -390

Abenaki tribe-393









George Winter's painting of the Kewaunee council -431

Lake Maxinkuckee-434

Ben Ismail tribe (Ishmael)-441

Absaroka or Crow-443


Melungeon or Molajan tribe-456

The Makah tribe-458

Magical Images-461

Pueblo tribes or Iranian villagers in America-490

Hijab and Islamic clothing in natives of Central American countries-505

Iranian coins which are found in 1787 AD America-515

Persian handwriting in El Salvador in Central America-516

Teaching Naskh handwriting in Nevada in America-517

Iranian candlestick is America-520

Newport tower in Road Island or Iranian fire temple in America-520

Cuba or Kaaba-522

Fogo or fire land-527

Shush city in Barsil-528

Iranian names in America-529

Do Indians have invented sign language-529

Ancient Iran symbols in Native American civilizations-531

King gesture-531

Broken cross or Iranian crosses or Swastika-532


Elam Eagle-545

Eagle with two heads-551


Similar toys-562

Fertility goddess-563

Olmec heads-564


Toltec's Statue-568

Moon and Star sign-569


Seat with two heads-571

Parti heads-572



Pillars in Takkthe- Jaamshid in Mexico578

Similar spheres in Iran and America579

Similar Shapes-580

Parti Pillars-581 

Enzo or Lion- Dragon-583

Three parts cycle-585

Kukulkan in Shush-586

Dragon head with feather-586

Spotted- statue-587

Flying snake-588

Winged man with spear-588

Snake- killing warrior-589

Snake stick-590

Snake flower-591

Astronomy calendar-592

Strong evidence for Iranian origin of Incas-592

Persa (Persia) Bazar with Islamic Iranian images-594

Hat similar to animal-596

Genetic tree-597


Round necklace-599

Using armlet and tattoo on the body among Iranian and Indian heroes-601

Using wooden necklace in some Iranian and Indian tribes-603

Persa sheep or Farsi sheep or Bareh siah or Bersil-604

Similar animals-605

Corn, Iranian Plant-606

Angry Face (Zahak)-607

Straw boat-608

Symbol of hunting lion with dagger-610

Similar architecture in Sush in Iran and Maya-610



Nanu (A type of cradle)-617

Darkness god (devil)-619

Ghondagh (swaddle)-619


To mummify dead bodies-621

Bury methods-623

Burying in a big jar-624

Stone graves-627

Burial in small room-628

Army facilities-628

Myths and Legends-629

Mikhi(Cuneiform) handwriting in America-630

Evidence indicating Iranian origin of Inca people-631

Alloy with similar structure used in metal connections in Takthe Jamshid and Bolivia-632

Is there any sign of America in Iran from era before entrance of Europeans to America?-633

Inca people knew dinosaurs-634

Extinction of dinosaur by westerners-637

Explanation of some dinosaur by those who first went to America after its occupation by Westerners-640

Borj, pyramid or Zigurat-648


Subterranean in south waste lands of America-655

Panjeh or Khamseh sign-656

Similarity in building house, cottage, and tent-657


Carpet (Ghali and Gelim)-662

Chinese evidence indicating presence of Indian and Muslims in America-667

This document proved that Iranian and Muslims were present in America-668

An important document showed that Iranians were present in America-669

Iranians create sports such as Kungfo and Karate-671

Father Carlos crespy and documents of Iranian presence in America-674

Iranian tribes living in America-677

Arhuaco and Kuhgi or Kugi tribe-677

Kona tribe in Panama and Konarak harbor in Iran-688

Mapuche tribe-697

Natives of  Ester Island were completely similar to Iranian race-710

Inca tribe-711

From Sepahan to Spain-721

Iranian region of Abde-kas (Fatima) in Portugal-728

Shuttle and Kites of ancient Iran-730

Torah and making space shuttle by ancient Iranians-734

Kites were made by Iranians-735

Great exaction engine which is from Iran-739

Formula of Poly- Silicon (Semi- conductors) in ancient Iran-738

Chess in Inca tribe-755

Did Avicenna have access to Iranian ancient science treasure?-756

Were Inca peopling Zoroastrian and did they worship God-760

Inca people like Iranians celebrate two balance days-768

Strong evidence showing that Inca people are Iranian-769

Spoon hitting ceremony in the time of eclipse-771

Cusco city in Peru (An Iranian name, with Iranian architecture)-772

Note the similarity to city and citadels of Old Iranian and Cusco

The city of Derbent in ancient Iran-773

Pāpak Fort or Babak Castle-781

Rudkhan Castle-783

They have come from east, land of sun, king road in Iran and in Inca land-787

Similar governing system by ancient Iranians and Inca people-788

Tribes from Mexicoo who live like Iranian tribes-792

The Huichol or Wixáritari tribe-792

Raramory or Tarahumara tribe-796

Guajira tribe-801

Tribes in south of South America-805

Religion of these people is fire-811

How did ancient Iranians went to America and when? Maybe this question comes to the mind of reader that now, why and when Iranians went to America-817

Research in the history of new continents

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