پژوهشکده و فرهنگسرای کلبه روستایی راویدسرا

نوشته های انوش راوید از پژوهشکده و فرهنگسرای کلبه روستایی راویدسرا/ پیگیری مطالب در لینک >>> www.arq.ir

پژوهشکده و فرهنگسرای کلبه روستایی راویدسرا

نوشته های انوش راوید از پژوهشکده و فرهنگسرای کلبه روستایی راویدسرا/ پیگیری مطالب در لینک >>> www.arq.ir

Alexander of Macedonia

    Alexander of Macedonia

 The invasion of Alexander of Macedonia, the biggest lie in history

     Rulers have existed since the beginning of human civilization. The initial civilization meaning the urban living and the creation of social class and writing began, according to some accounts around 7 to 10 thousand years ago in Mesopotamia and Iran. Nobody knows for certain whether rulers or people came first, it is the old chicken and hen story. In any case, the rulers have used different tricks to make people obey them, such as strange sects and religions, superstitions and telling and writing lies (there is a mention of this in the famous inscription of Darius the Great).

     Many of such writings and inscriptions and stories are of these tricks which continue to the present day. One of the most important of them all is the invasion of Iran by Alexander the Great. The tellers of the story of Alexander of Macedonia who told his story 600 years after his death did not pay attention of the point that the main reasons in winning a war is the greater number of fighters, the supremacy of the arms used and the experience of the commanders in warfare together with a thorough knowledge of the enemy terrain and its economy. A young man from a sparsely populated land with a poor economy cannot easily rise to destroy a great Empire, confiscate the land of a brave people where in every household having a sword and arrow was a way of life, as if the enemy had come to a land of addicts and street dwellers. We see today how well equipped occupiers have run aground in their invasion, let alone in those days and……

     The movie 300 that was based on the invasion of Alexander was a reason for the people of the world to discover the lies that lye behind the victories of Alexander. A good opportunity has risen to erase these lies from our sweet history. Us Iranians need to tell the truth to the world, all the false inscriptions and wars of Alexander and not just this film. It is of great surprise, how is it that Iranian historians cannot recognize these lies, the lies of the military magnitude, the false distances, the fictitious wars, the fictitious towns and cities etc. Would the Iranian historian please study these lies with due patience and a new vision and rectify them in your speeches and writings?

   Where was Macedonia?

     Macedonia, in old Egyptian inscriptions "Mage donia" which in Arabic became to be pronounced "Magduniye" was important centre of Mithraism in northern Africa. Yaghut Hamudi, traveller, geographer and historian in his book "Majamal baladan" says "Macedonia is the name of Egypt in the Greek language". Ibn Al Faghih Ahmad Hamedani 4th Arabic century geographer and historian quoting Ibn Yasar says,-" Macedonia is Egyptian territory". Al Moghadasi 5th Islamic century geographer in "Hosn Al Taghasim", Ibn Al khardazbeh in Dalmask and Almamalek", Masoudi in the book of Moruj Alzahb and many others confirm that in those days Macedonia was Egyptian territory. With the exception of early Islamic historians and the knowledgeable, Ibn Maghta, Tabari and Dinvari have called Alexander in their writings Iranian.

      In order to understand the reasons behind the creation of the story of Alexander, its inventor's forgery, distortion, fabrication and theft that have occurred, one must pay attention to the special politics and the aims of the tyrannical religious emperors and governors ruling the eastern Roman Empire. Between the 8th and the 11th century, for three hundred consecutive years 13 Armenian men and 8 women, residents of the western part of the Halice river (today called Ghezel Irmagh) and the town of Ani (the town of the one thousand Churches) who were not from the Constantine family and had ambitions of power using the circumstances and sometimes with the help of the secret Jewish organization infiltrated Constantinople then the center of world power. These people, in order to safeguard their position, pretended to be Greek and Macedonian compiled and published the myth of Alexander with the aim of setting East and West in other words Mithraism and Christianity against each other and by doing this increase their credibility. They compiled a book about Alexander quoting his personal physician Collis Dens and extended Alexander's acquisitions as far as India and China. With the help of agents of the Abbasids they glorified Alexander in order to distance the mind of the newly risen societies from the greatness of the ancient Iranian's civilization, culture and power. The editing of the book was done in Greek which was at the time the language of the Church and became so successful that the era in which it was published became known as the era of the Greek culture. On the other hand the religion of Jesus Christ did not flourish in the Balkans until the 13th century and Mithraism dominated this region whose followers believed this religion to be a falsification and apostasy of their religion.   In the written and verbal battle between these two religions, it is worth a mention of the Shahname "The book of the Kings" that is recited in divine language.  Mazandaran in the times of Anushiravan Khorasani according to documents in the National Library was called Pazesh Khargar. India (Hend or End in Persian pronunciation) according to Tabari and Masoudi until the end of the 12th century was the name of Khoozestan. Seventeen places in Khoozestan such as Hendijan and Andimeshk and ….begin with this name, India used to be called Aryavarte and Baharat.

  Eskandar and Sekandar,

 In Iranian languages Alexandros is not Alexander which in its equivalent in Eastern languages. If one accepts that "Al" in Alexander is an article, by removing it one is left with Exander which has no resemblance to Alexanders or Alexander so one needs to search and find out the origin of Alexander and Alexanders. In the works of Albaghiye Biruni page 145 it is written,- the head of its dynasty ( the Parthians) is Ashk Ibn Ashkanwhich is the title of King Ufghufur is son to  Balash Ibn Shahpour Ibn Esiktar Ibn Siyavash Ibn Kaykavoos.  Biruni has named the Parthian kings as Ask Ibn Balash Ibn Sahpou Ibn Ashkan Ibn Ash Jabbar (page 147 Al Baghiyeh). Aslan Ghaffari the author of Sekandar and Dara believes that Ash Jabbar and Esiknar and such names are variations of Eskantar meaning "brave" which has changed to Eskandar.Ash Jabbar or Esiknar or according to Aslan Ghaffari's estimate Eskantar was the name of one of the Parthian's kings in 3rd century B.C  who captured territory in Vararoud i.e Transoxiania and The Greater Khorasan with Nayshabour, Herat and Marv and Northern Afghanistan and was abbreviated to Eskandar and this power circle of the Parthians became subject of misuse first by the writers of Alexander of Macedonia from the Eastern Roman Empire due to inexperience and stupidity and subsequently by the Westerners in their animosity against the Iranians.  Those Iranians that have Nowrooz and live in vast and ancient countries have different languages and accents but share the same culture with varying customs. Since far back, they have had to deal with enemies, beginning with Eastern Romans Imperialist culture to the present day.

      Going Sekandari, - In the Greater Iran to those heroes and champions who during training and sports put their hands on the ground and their feet in the air and walk on their hands, say that they are" going Sekandar".

      The enemies of Iran have lied as much as they can about the defeats of the Achaemenides and we have not even asked the very Achaemenides once about their destiny. There are 12000 stone inscriptions of Iran in the University of Ciracus in the United States and other places and we have not even a clue and don't ask for them. The Achaemenides have never said that Persepolis was a palace let alone Alexander managed to burn it down. On the stone inscription bearing the code XPD that lies in the eastern and western part of the balcony of what is famously known as the private palace of king Xerxes he says,- …at the request of Oromazes I erected this hadnish. And the word hadnish has been repeated several times in Persepolis. All is written so that the pilgrimage that visited the site would know its purpose.

      Strabo the famous Greek historian considers Herodotus the biggest liar and says that like magicians he plays fool with simple people's feelings.  F.N. Arski (Strabo the pioneer of the science of geography    Pooyesh Publication) says that Herodotus is a liar and only fools believe him. Fokidid says that Herodotus talks without thinking and cannot be believed.

  The false warships

      In order to cover up their defeats, the Greeks have magnified the Iranian navy in their stories; they have talked of 2000 warships and another 2000 support frigates and commercial ships. If we compare their number and capacity to the middle sized and large boats in the Persian Gulf today they outnumber them even today! And if we suppose that the maintenance of each takes 30 days a year and the useful life of each ship is on average 20 years and the time to make one 6 months, then at one particular time there needs to be 120 boats and ships under construction in the yards. Let us assume that the capacity of each yard is 6 ships at a time which means twice the capacity of the shipping yards in Glasgow at the height of the power of the British Empire in the 18th century, which means 6 yards and as the supply of wood was in itself a huge problem, a great logistical plan would have been needed to transport wood from the North like in the era of Nadershah when he only managed to build 3 ships using the wood from the forests of the North and they quickly became unusable or there had to be a supply of wood from India. Therefore there would have been a huge number of saws and axes and other equipments and roads etc but none exists in any museum in Iran or anywhere else. You decide for yourself without prejudice the root of the story and beware that the glory of the Iranian history is not in lies, it lies in love, bravery, solidarity and love for the motherland (homeland). Let us not allow the enemies change these good attributes with their lies.

  Takht – e - Jamshid and Sivand

     In the images depicted in Takh-e-Jamshid, no-one is angry, nobody is mounted on a horseback, and one sees no-one bowing, there is nobody with their head down or defeated, there is no tribe superior to another, and there is no image of violence.

      One of the things Iranians take pride in is the fact that slavery has never been common in Iran. Amongst hundreds of bodies carved on the stones of Persepolis, there is not even one nude. Let us tell the beloved Iranians what we were so that in remains in their memory. Over the past one hundred years Persepolis and its surroundings have been thoroughly searched and there have been findings by many different archeological groups and there has not been a false Persepolis found. The enemies have wanted to take revenge on the Iranians on paper: they have created this imaginary city to take revenge for the burning down of Athens and have been somewhat successful by taking advantage of the idiocy of some of our historians. Where there has not been a city, there has not been a capital for the Achaemenides either and because it was not a capital city therefore it did not have a fortress or an alley way for a king in order to have 3 layers of walls built around it. These lies have not been found. Which war where the Greeks the prisoners of in Takht-e-Jamshid? And how did Alexander gave them clothes in the midst of war? And many more such lies. Which idiot would believe all the lies about the taking and transport of spoils of war? The burning down of Takht-e-Jamshid by Alexander or whoever else is a big lie. The illiterate storytellers who wrote the story of the victory of the Macedonians centuries later did not have the least knowledge about Takht-e-Jamshid. They have written that the palace was built mainly out of cedar wood, this is not true. Takht-e-Jamshid was built on stone and from stone and the burning down is also false and scientifically provable to be false. Limestone is chemically Calcium carbonate CaCO3 and under one atmospheric pressure and 894 degrees Celsius by receiving 391 calories per gram is converted into 44% CO2 and 56% CaO. The CO2 gas escapes into the air which leaves the CaO. The latter is mixed with water which gives slaked lime or Ca (OH)2. This reaction liberated 280 Calories of heat. Some of the clothes, carpets and other objects found at Persepolis are not from that era and it is scientifically impossible for them to be so. Over the centuries nomads and shepherds have used that area and indeed have made fires and technically those objects belong to them. People looking for treasures have dug and looted much over the centuries, knowing the history can be a treasure for us, read and express your views!

      The idiots have written that Persepolis looted and burnt down the capital of the Parsees. Persepolis is their name invented centuries after Darius like many others they invented and today it is known as Takht-e-Jamshid, nobody knows what it was called in those days and it remains to be discovered by the scientific and historic societies. Takht-e-Jamshid did not have water to be a capital, the small Sivand river flows 10 to 12 kilometers away and in those days 2500 years ago people had the intelligence not to build a dam and control the flow because the water of the river would spread over a vast plain and in the hot and dry season the evaporation rate would be high and the remaining water would become salty hence unsuitable either for drinking or for agriculture therefore only damaging the environment. In the past all capital cities were built around major rivers. Takht-e-Jamshid was a place of worship whose construction was not completed. In those days Iranian people were like God King Worshippers.  It was like many other places of worship but on a larger and more glamorous scale and was never completed looted or burnt down. The intellectual evolution of humans made way for the appearance of the first religions. Their intellectuals created the Parthian. This evolution continues to date with various ups and downs and will continue until the end of humanity.

      Today the important issues as far as intellectual growth is concerned are for us to think about everything and question it's validity whether it is true or not, what and how is the reality? Is every glamorous rubbish the foreigners and enemies of Iran have written true?

      When I write to the schools abut their books about the fabrication of Alexander they reply that they know nothing about an alternative text! Do they doubt these lies and really give up? Do they want no one to think about the truth about Alexander? Do they want to take away the ability to think about the fabrication of history and Alexander?

      In the Gospel there is no mention of Takht-e-Jamshid, however this book gives a lot of information about other buildings and sites of the Iranian empire and major cities such as Hamadan and Shush. There is no mention of it in any document of the Babylonians, Assyrians, and Phoenicians. Catusias who lived 24 years in the Iranian court does not mention it even once. This was the most sacred place in Iran, with an exclusiveness that would protect an exclusive and invisible religion away from the contamination of the outsiders. The enemies of Iran like very much telling that Takht-e-Jamshid was completely built and prosperous.

     Revealing the fabricated and stupid wars

      The idiots who have written against Iran and worse those who believe them have written that Alexander attacked Iran with 30000 troops and 40000 mounted soldiers via the strait of Ellis Pont, today known as Dardanelle, crossed a deep and fast river with high granite walls and fought Darius the 3rd in Asia Minor. The granite river that is today called Bighachay is a small and shallow river that has no walls. The liars are shameless, as long as there are gullible people who believe them they may continue with their lies. Moreover, the banks of this river have no place for the battle of around 150,000 men. Go and see for yourself if you do not believe this. The liar writers wanted to diminish the importance of Shush the two thousand year capital of Elam which was also the capital of the Achaemenides for 200 years and to have people believe that a partially completed shrine of Takht-e-Jamshid was the capital of Iran, then falsely have it burnt down by Alexander. Five or six centuries later when they wrote their lies, the old religion of the Achaemenides no longer existed and Takht-e-Jamshid was a deserted place. They had no idea of the distances between places and whatever they have written with respect to this is pure rubbish. It is easy to realize that it is all lies; they say 600 thousand troops of Darius crossed the bridges over the Euphrates River in 5 days, think a little! The 600 thousand is a lie, 5 days is a lie and the bridges are all lies. Everything the have made up is a lie.

   The travel of Alexander from Takht-e-Jamshid to Damghan

They have written that their Alexander went from Takht-e-Jamshid to Hamadan. We analyze this lie too. In order to go from Takht-e-Jamshid to Hamadan one needs to pass through Isphahan. There is absolutely no mention of this city with its brave inhabitants in any Eskandarname i.e. document relating to Alexander. They could not have gone to Hamadan without passing through Isphahan, whoever claims otherwise is really stupid. From Isphahan to Najafabad there is a 30 kilometer length of gardens and herb plantations. This in itself is a good barrier against the attack and advance of the enemy, therefore the illiterate writers were indeed much worse than one thinks in order to destroy these gardens in cold blood, on paper. There is no mention of other cities in Isphahan either such as Golpayegan, Burujerd, Malayer. There are only made up names that have no resemblance to the names of Iranian towns and cities. There is a 480 km distance from Isphahan to Lorestan to Hamadan, the road passes through harsh mountainous terrain, almost 200 km of which has a height of 2000 meters, one of the highest roads in the world and in winter is covered with ice and snow. The road from Lorestan to Hamadan is also a mountainous road and is one of the most difficult in the world and thanks to the bravery of its people no invader has been able to cross that region in history not even the local one. It is said that the bigger a lie the easier it is believed and this is exactly the case here, they tell and the idiots believe them!

      From Takht-e-Jamshid to Isphahan through to Hamadan then Rey and Damghan it is 1600 Kms see the magnitude of the lie? Or perhaps they covered this distance in fast Japanese electric trains!  Abu Reyhan Biruni in Asar al baghiye has written that Darius the 3rd was killed near Erbil by the commander of his troops. At that time he knew nothing of the fabricated Alexander, the reality is the Parthian.

    The fabricated Alexander of Macedonia on his way to Gorgan

      If the Alexander historians wrote grandiose lies and confabulation it was their style and knew nothing about inside Iran, however, those internal and external enemies, idiots and traitors who continue the lies in speeches and writings, what could their motive be? They take Alexander from Dameghan to Gorgan with many erroneous and fabricated names of places, strange events, peoples and tribes that never existed, distances that have no bearing with the reality, please place a map in front of yourself and have a look and you will see how we have been cheated purely out of animosity and complex.

    Another lie on paper

       Alexander historians have created Darband of Pars on paper and have had it conquered by Alexander in order to take revenge of the defeat of the Greeks by the Iranians in Thermopylae strait, otherwise there is no strait between Shush and Takht-e-Jamshid. Over the past one hundred years Iranian including, myself and English archeologists who have searched the area for treasures and archeological evidence have found no strait. There are books written about such excavations. Many distinguished researches have written Persians or Farsiha but I would write this word more generally, I would say Iranian or Iranians because this is the name of a vast geographical region and peoples who all have the ancient Nowrooz and have all throughout history have defended Iran and continue to do so. The enemies who do not know Iran have created false heroes and the idiots are proud of them for nothing. They created a false shepherd in the harsh winter of Lorestan and never explained how those two armies survived the freezing temperatures and at the same time they created tropical forests in that region and much such nonsense. They were enemies of Iran but why do these so called Iranian historians repeat such nonsense?

      Imagine historical wars as they happened in those times and not how Hollywood wants you to see them!

   Illiterate and stupid enemies

      1700 and 1800 years ago, the Alexander historians were far too illiterate to write their fabricated stories more believable and more stupid are the enemies of Iran who take these nonsense for history. Patala which in Persian is the "bottom of the hill" is near the strait of Boan, in their stories they refer to a river estuary in order to fabricate a document about Alexander's journey to India. Tanais River is a river between Asia and Europe which today is called the Den. In their fabrication they have said it to be in Northern Afghanistan and placed it instead of Balkh and taken Alexander to Indian, they have also written that Alexander's troops travelled from Balkh to Sogdiana and spent harsh times in the desert without water or pastor in order to depict their bravery. This also is a fabrication. The city of Balkh lies near a large river called Balkhab and there is plenty of life in a radius of 350 Km around it and not a waterless desert, you can easily see for yourself on a map. Their Oxus River is not the Amu Darya, they have written so much nonsense because they did not knew their geography and the stupid enemies of Iran believe them and maliciously repeat them all the time.

      Bacchus is the Greek version of Bagh which is also called Bak, Bag, Bi and By. It is the prefix of Izad Mehr (Yazata Mehr), Bagh Mehr. Mithraism spread during the Parthian times to Rome and Greece. During Alexander's time it was not known but 500 years later Alexander historians knew about it because they were the enemies of Iran and Iranian religion like today. The Caspian gate is not the Sar Darre Khar as they claim; Dar Band Khazar is a town between Baku and Ma Khaj Ghale. They have lied in order to justify their stories. Arabius River which they claim Alexander and his men crossed in India is today's Shat Al Arab River and whatever Indian they wrote is Khuzestan. Oritiens the land of the people of Avar is a city called Magjar in Iraq and not India. Arabite is the home to the Arabs in Sothern Iraq and not the estuary of Send River in Pakistan. Dustkami which in this fabricated story is mistakenly called Dustkani is the decanter of the followers of Mithras's which is still used in mourning to serve water or sorbet and it was not known during Alexander era but 500 later during the Parthian was known. Atropat, Azarpad is a vocabulary belonging to the Sassanid's and not Achaemenides because they were not Zoroaster's. Atropat or Azarpad was the keeper of fire. Today pad is known as bod as in sepahbod or arteshbod (sepah is corps and artesh is army in Persian, translator's note). This is also evidence that the documents pertaining to Alexander were written centuries later. Azerbaijan is not the destroyed Atropatan. Azarbaijan or Azarbijan is made up of three parts: Azar meaning Fire, Bai meaning God and Jan meaning place, together the place of God Fire. They write: the troops of Alexander on their return journey to and from Sogdiana were engaged with a brave people called Momasenha. Momsen means grand. They are from the western part of the Fars province in Iran, what has it got to do with Balkh and Northern Afghanistan. They have written that Alexander got near the city of Nysa near the Send River and locate Nysa as being between Hamadan and Bistoon. Nesa was the first capital of the Parthian near Ashkhabad of Turkmenistan and Mithraism spread from there which hence became to be known as the religion of Nesa or Nesara. Nabarzan, Nabarz meaning undefeatable is a postfix of Mehr which is also used in Kurdish. Mithraism was spread to Rome during the Parthian and became the common religion. The Romans used the Iranian vocabulary of Nabarz as a postfix of Mehr (Mithra). In many of hundreds of Mithraism's shrines left over from the Roman Empire, wall inscriptions also testify against this fabricated story and the fact that it was written centuries later. The idiots who invented Alexander even defeated the Paganisms, Kusiyan or the Caspians whose rule had ended 800 years previously because they wanted Alexander to have defeated everyone! How illiterate those who today consider this history. The city of 100 gates is not Dameghan, where on Earth was its water in order to have 100 gates? Different groups of archeologists searched that areas for years and not even found a city of one gate! They talked all that grandiose nonsense in order to raise the importance of their fairy hero, do you get me?

      The evidence against continues! The lying storytellers who were illiterate and knew nothing about geography created Alexander in order to inflate the importance of an insignificant and indigent people of Greece. The Alexander historians who were a bunch of illiterate liars who didn't know geography created the myth of Alexander with all those mistakes, not knowing that 2000 years later Anush Ravid would reveal the untruth. They defeated and toppled by their Alexander all the countries and peoples who they had heard of in those days, they told much hype and lies which is easily recognizable and whoever that doesn't understand it is a real fool. They created hundreds of false names none of which has Iranian or Indian root and it is all too obvious.

   The Arabs did not invade  Persia


      In order for this article to make sense please read carefully all the articles in this weblog, see the world differently and upside down, have patience and reflect and above all follow up and memorize, although I know that erasing the lies of the enemies who have told enough lies in 500 years  to last 5000 years is difficult.

       There are those who take an emotional view and consider the Arabs to be the killers of the Iranians and vice versa, however history will not end with our knowledge and information and will not necessarily continue to be so, therefore, let us search the truth in a realistic way. Stupid Saddam thought Gadesiyyeh to be true and hence ruined the nation of western part of Greater Iran i.e. Iraq.

      Today, with the thought that the Arabs came and killed and ransacked and destroyed, anger has been brewed in the hearts from which Imperialists and Zionists benefit.

      I do not know why the historians have not been able to remove these lies, propose new investigation and guide the society in a new way, perhaps they are so entangled in these lies.

      I shall write only briefly about this lie of history so that there is time for study, reflection and enquiry for the dear countrymen and women; nevertheless I shall continue this article in greater detail in the future.

    The second biggest lie in history

      The liars, in order to justify and reason say; "today the genetics specialists have proven the theory that the cradle of all the nations of Semitic races is the Arabian peninsula which once upon a time was fairly habitable but gradually became arid and for this reason the Semitic tribes were forced to migrate north in search of water and pasture....". This lie is very similar to the lie of the migration of the Aryans from the north to Iran which I have explained elsewhere in my weblog, they now say something similar about the Arabs from the south, however, the geography and history of Arabia has been as it is since the beginning of human existence, the same lie applies to the cold and arid lands of the north in case of the Aryans.

      The liars are truly stupid, they say; " centuries passed by this way and the Arabs became poorer and more numerous, day after day and were forced to break down the barriers of Iran and Egypt in search of better lives....." These stupid liars think they lived in the times of Bourgeoisie and colonization, life in the times of sacral kingship was quite fair, all the peoples and tribes had more or less the same rate of birth and death.

      The imperialist liars continue their lies; "one of the promises of Islam for the Arabs was that if they won, Iran, Iraq and Syria would be theirs...."In continuation and in order to justify themselves they write; " the Arab Muslims who were suffering poverty, hoped to be victorious and become prosperous and if they were killed would go to heaven...." and they continue; " for this reason the war of the Arabs against the Iranians had an economic side to it and all the tribes moved on and no one was left in Arabia....." With such writings they have reduced the Arabs to poor shanty dwellers; in those days each tribe had its own territory and was self sufficient in its own land and wealth did not have the meaning it did during the bourgeoisie era and the second wave. Moreover, they have reduced the Muslims at the beginning of their creation to bandits.

      It is very strange that no historian has mentioned such important points at the peak of Islam as being true or false.

      If the bandits unite and ransack, after the first attack they would fight against each other over the stolen goods and the old historic rivalry and vengeance amongst the tribes and the Arabs would resurface. Such people would not have the ability to continue this path and fight again and generally speaking, the planning, organization and ideas would dwindle. If the strategy is for looting then warfare tactics would for the first possession. It is obvious that those who talk as such i.e. looting at the beginning of Islam, are imposing their interpretation of events and are surely from the bourgeoisie and the colonization era. In real history books they brag and lie without suggesting anything.

      They refer to historic texts which no one has seen in any museum or library and claim that "Iran was very unstable, disease was rife, and the economic situation was dire, corruption....." I shall refrain from repeating the nonsense because they are told over and over again in all the so called documents. You see that such writings can only be the mentality of 19 and 20th century London or Paris. Have you ever thought how life must have been 15 centuries ago? How was life four or five centuries go under the first wave or Capitalism or indeed in Europe or Asia? Have you ever thought about the lies they have told about people's lives in the past?

      The battle of Hireh "....he had nothing but an old fence for defending hence he had to give up....) but the reality and the geography suggests otherwise.

      The battle of Elis "....he ordered the beheading of the Iranian hostages for a few days until a stream of blood began flowing, Khaled the commander of Islam did not want to betray his oath.....", with one lie hit three targets; portray the Iranians as cowards and finished with, the Muslims as blood thirsty and finally for their imperialist objectives place Iranians and Arabs against each other. Although no victorious army does as such with his enemy in the first battles, otherwise the enemy becomes so hardened as to avoid capture.

       The battle of Amghelishiya ".........". This battle is belittled down to a peasant because they had no more lies to tell.

      The battle of conquest of Abnar ," Khaled ordered that the soldiers of the enemy who were all covered in iron except for their eyes to be made blind by arrows....." as if they were fighting a herd of sheep! This lie is so stupid that only liars would believe it.

     The war of Al Jasr or Gheis Al Natef , "........." after several ridiculous wars which after studying and analysing tactically and scientifically with the wars of those days it becomes obvious that they are fabrications, the liars are forced to invent another ridiculous war, again tactically wrong, in order to make the Iranians victorious so that their lies are not so spoilt.

      The battle of Bubat ,"..... in this day one hundred Arab fighters each killed one hundred Iranians....", would someone ask these liars, if the Arab fighters wanted each to sacrifice sheep, how many would they manage in a day?

   One must really be stupid in order to accept such rubbish as history.

      The conquest of Ablah and the battle of Zangir (.....they had chained together the feet of the Iranian soldiers so that they could not escape...), what do they want to say with this lie? Where had the chains been manufactured and what were were the locks like? And is it possible at all?

      The liars quoting the king say; Yazdegerd told the representatives of the Arabs: " you used to eat lizards and mice because of severe poverty...." this kind of language is the one used by bourgeoisie and colonization in the past 500 years, in the past everyone was elf sufficient in their natural conditions and for no one poverty had the meaning it has today.

      Some might argue that some of what has been said is lies and others true or other supernatural factors may have played a part. If we accept that some parts are lies then whoever has told some lies could be a big liar, hence we must throw everything away and start anew.

       Ignacio Olague the Spanish historian and investigator has a book titled "The Arabs did not invade Spain", it is an excellent work based on logic, and much irrefutable evidence which proves beyond doubt that the invasion of Spain by the Arabs is all lies. These wars and massacres are baseless stories which have been invented by the Church and the colonizers by their dependant historians in order to save their face.  His book was published in 1985 by Shabaviz publications under a title that in itself is a cover up "Seven centuries of Islamic civilization's ups and downs in Spain".

   Genghiz Khan (the Mogul)

  The attack of Genghiz Khan on Iran, the third biggest lie in history.

      With the appearance of Islam and the disappearance of social classes, the migration of people from villages to cities and larger villages increased enormously. This phenomenon means that one to two centuries after Islam we see the appearance of more and larger cities in the Middle East. In Bagdad there was a high turn over of Caliphas and new rulers were being appointed and these new rulers and the new inhabitants of the newly formed cities not having the mental background to analyze such changes would fight against each other most of the times. In Bagdad the rulers were not unhappy about the situation as they did not mind catching a few fish out of the muddy waters. The fall in the population of the villages and the increase of the population of the cities created new necessity such a farmers and shepherds for food production and breeding horses and other flock. We therefore see that in the first few centuries after Islam kings from many different tribes such as Ghuzz and Tartar and even Comoros and Bulgars etc were brought in and settled in the villages. Many ancient Iranian and Persian areas were surrounded by the newly created non Iranian villages and tribes. Considering the Islamic equality, these new rulers could naturally, within one or two centuries, with the natural social evolution and normal rhythm of life, become influential in the establishment, especially when their youth population were being used in wars, those who themselves would become powerful leaders in their mid life. They even managed to lead some regimen. As these rulers and their people on entering Iran were not literate and not familiar with the days knowledge they were dependent on Iranians and the Farsi speaking ministers about which there is a large volume of evidence. Knowledge, information and literacy were of the Farsi speaking people who mostly lived in the cities and this is why there is no non Farsi or non Arabic text or book up until the Safavid period. In the meanwhile, Iranian thinkers begin to create new sects for the intellectual and social salvation of Iran and the Iranians. These Iranian intellectuals were completely aware and masterly of their task but because of the extent of the country and important events in the past few centuries did not have complete agreement or military and personal power so had to resort to tricks by the influence they had in order to eliminate these new rulers one by one. They encountered one major problem and that was the fatwa of the Caliphas so they had to get rid of the influence of Bagdad in order not to have problems with public opinion, and they had to achieve this by the very people who came to this land for begging, work and at times ransack, but how? In those days there were no Shias and Sunnis as there were in the Ottoman and safavid times in order to fight each other or the bombings in today’s Iraq and Pakistan so a new instrument was required in order to get rid of the Caliphas of Bagdad. A tribe was needed who was the least literate, the most ignorant and drunkard and coward and moreover extremely superstitious, these adjectives are written in books about the moguls; hence the attack of moguls was created and developed. In the period of Khwrezm-Shahs the Farsi speaking Iranian intellectuals use to travel much in order to find what they wanted which they found, what was not true and is not mentioned in any historic text prior to that is the Genghis or Temuchin the son of Yasoo Kay Bahador the head of the Ghiyat tribe from the black tartar family, tartar was a name given to all yellow skinned people by the Iranians. As this blog is not about history itself but a new look at history in order to identify and remove lies from the history of Iran, repeating what has been said in numerous books is avoided, in various Genghis epistles there is mention of the destruction of Balkh and the massacre of its people whereas in fact Balkh was destroyed a hundred years before Genghis by an earthquake and the remaining population had moved to Mazar Sharif. There are references to other cities which to this date no one knows where some of them are because it is lies, one million squared kilometers of central Asia has one hundred cities and not just a few. Mohammad Kharazmi told the Shah: the army of Genghis is a drop and the army of Khwrezm Shah is a sea, so why in the court of Khwrezm Shah where there were men of wars no one said anything? They talk of one or two hundred thousand defending the cities and those attacking numbering many hundreds of thousands, as if they were counting hordes of sheep. these figures may be interesting to idiots but they are simply not true.......The enemies of Iran kill two birds with one stone, for one they portray Iranians as cowards and secondly as simple and gullible for believing such nonsense. In other places they have said that the defenders and the Iranians were cheated and this continued for a few days until they were destroyed. What fool would believe such lies. In another place it is written that Sultan Mohammad in times of anarchy escaped 700 kilometers West through Guilan and Mazandaran which is very difficult to traverse and has travelled back 700  km east, it is exactly the same lie those idiots have said about Alexander. They have written such ridiculous military strategies that have nothing to do with that times military thinking, in those times there were wars between Iranian Shahs and Iranian Khans but none of them used such ridiculous tactics. Who were behind the writing of mysterious letters and what did they contain? Why is there not a single mogul or Chinese sword, armor or military gear in the museums of Iran? Why is there not a sign of war in any of the deserts or indeed any sign of the presence of Moguls in Iran? Why, in the tomb of Sultan Mohammad Khodabandeh said to be Mogul is there not a single Mogul or Turkish vocabulary? Why the Ismaili intellectuals like everyone else did joined the Moguls and why is it said that they killed the rest of the Ismailis? They say of Genghis the drunkard criminal that he was so meticulous in justice that no one dared touch a fallen whip in the barracks unless its owner. There are so many contradictory tales; it is true what they say about liars, that they have a short memory. In other place they say that Genghis was a complete superstitious desert dweller, in which case, such a person at the time could not have been great. Of all the jewelry that they took from China, was is there not a single one in any museum in Iran? More importantly, the gathering of a few hundred thousand men and moving them in 5000 kilometers of hostile terrain towards Iran is totally impossible. How gullible they took the readers of these stories. And of course, in order to justify such nonsense they have told even more incredible lies such as that Yasa was important. Well if it were important why is it not available? If you read what is left over from Yasa you will realize the amount of rubbish and superstition it contains which is above any. If in a small and poor nation like Mongolia where all the superstitious and drunkard tribes were at war with each other at that time, a few thousand men left for Iran then who defended this enemy prone land? They have even written that many mogul princess and rulers die of alcohol abuse. Every page of the documents relating to Genghis is riddled with lies and nonsense. The last Shahs regime in Iran could not use independent academics in the state and education system because of its ties to the enemies so in order to keep the level of the Iranians high personality down repeated the senseless lies of history. They say that Tormaz was the first city run over and destroyed to ground by the Moguls and how an elderly woman in order not to be killed shouted that she had swallowed a pearl but the ruthless Moguls tore apart her stomach and drew out the pearl and then Genghis ordered all the cadavers be torn open to see if there were pearls inside them. There is no such account in the history of this city. The liars say that skilled workers were separated from the rest of the millions who were detained and the rest killed in order to fill the trenches, they though us to be gullible as to take this for true history. What they intended to say with this was of course that the Iranians were idiots. They say that the secret of success of Genghis was the good communication between different parts of his extensive empire and having a single intelligence centre, those who cannot analyze this statement with regards to the times and condition and the means of that era please leave this blog now. How much have they boasted about the moguls horses and their riders but in other places have written that they were so drunk that they would fall from their horses, as if their Iranian rivals who were Muslims and by nature good fighters did not drink alcohol had not seen horses before. They say that the Moguls had good geographical and road a map so why is there not a single one available? They say that some of the fighters believed that Genghis is fighting the Crusaders and those us why they were in its army!!! They have said that the Genghis army was first defeated in Bagdad by a twenty thousand man army, so what happened to the few thousand man army that was undefeatable? They say that in Iraq they massacred all the Sunni towns and took over the administration of all the Shia towns, now this is the crunch of the matter to which I shall return later. Where are the remains of the castle Lake Urmiyeh? Why were accessible places? The answer is that those who wrote such lies took the lake by mistake. The enemies have tried on paper, as much as they could, to patronize the Iranians and gather as much booty from them as possible, so where is one piece of them and in which museum? Look at these statistics; Neyshabur had a population of a million and eight hundred thousand and Herat a million and six hundred thousand and the same goes for the rest of the cities, who would believe such nonsense. As the saying goes the bigger a lie the more easily it is believed by the fools. Twenty to thirty years ago I made so many correction notes in the border of all my books on Genghis and the Moguls that there were no white spaces left. In any case the enemies of Iran have taken advantage of opportunities and sold many such lies to the world but in the 21st century and with the help of internet we should get rid of these likes. The most interesting part of the story is that the very same Moguls who conquered Iran and China were totally run over in a small place like Jerusalem. there is no valuable Iranian or Chinese book on the invasion of the moguls. How is it possible that a huge army is mobilized and advances 5 to 10,000 kilometers and not a single credible book exist on the subject except such nonsense? All western liars themselves confess that there is no real sign of Genghis having been for real. Even the best books in the world on the general history of the middle ages have not written anything on the mogul’s invasion. The book most used by those fabricating the invasion of the moguls is the one written by Marco Polo i.e. "The Description of the world". Marco Polo was a venetian storyteller who never travelled beyond Constantinople, today’s Istanbul, who never travelled east. Every one knows in the West that Marco Polo was a big liar, when he was in the prison of Venice he read the fabricated tales about the conquest of Iran and India by Alexander of Macedonia and was inspired by the stories and together with someone like himself called Rostichillo, turned Moguls into another Alexander Of Macedonia, even more important, and of course the enemies have used this as history. In the 13th century, apart from central and western Europe, the rest of the world was under the rule of the Muslims and Europe was in a bad socio economic shape and there was much hostility against the Easter people because of the success of the Muslims. As they could not defeat the Muslims in the east and north Africa, they did so in stories by the Moguls. For example they created Kublai who is not mentioned in any Iranian or Chinese or European text as the great emperor Kublai Khan, as they created many Mogul rulers in this way. It is surprising that in the 13th and 14th century when the Muslims have most of the world, the European religious propagandists especially the French write long biographies of the illiterate Genghis and sell it as history. In the times of Louis the 14th one of the writers of the court called Petty Du La Croix writes as is politically correct and necessary for the time. In the Vatican archives there is not even a single letter from the 12th, 13th or the 14th century written in Mongolian language but there are many written in Persian. In the past two hundred years a few researchers have started exploring around small parts of this topic because there is no live evidence. Most researchers cannot accept lies as history unless they lack knowledge. However there are those such as Harold Lamb one of the least important personalities invent historic tales and lies such as the stories of: Hannibal, Charlemagne, Justinian, and Tamerlane. The funniest thing is that the oldest history book about the Moguls was written in the colonial period by an American Morjad Weston who was from a fanatical capitalist family and received many important positions for his services. The four volume book on the history of Moguls, from Genghis to Tamerlane is today known as the best book on the subject. Other likeminded people who have written on the subject are, the Austrian orientalist Baron Josefan Hammer wrote the "Iranian Jalayrids" from 1841 to 1843, the German Frontermann Ardeman “the Unbeatable Genghis", Sir Henry Harrods a thick 4 volume books called the History of the Moguls.

      The Russians who in the 19th century has occupied parts of Transoxiana and the Greater Khorasan, tried to use the attack and the massacres by the Moguls in order to weaken the Muslims, therefore Berthold in 1900 wrote about the rise and fall of the desert empires an Vladimir Tesoff solved the difficult and sensitive socio economic and expansionist problems of the moguls, something they had no justification for up until now. Genghis biography and the social life of the moguls were a great help to the western liars for wanting to dominate a group of illiterate and atheist to the advanced Muslims. The German Eric Hainish in 1948 published a simple fairytale about the moguls which has no reference to a date at all. Berthold Eschpoler wrote the Golden Camp and the Moguls and the French Verne Grosse wrote the Empire of the Steppes. Many such writers claim that they have original handwritten manuscripts as evidence but whey has no one else seen them?  Two main sources used by these writers is the " The History of Jahangosha Juwayni" by Ata Malak Juwayni and " The Complete History" by Rashid Al Din Fazl Allah and the main story is from these two books which are full of treason, nonsense and contradictory tales. Amongst thousands of books on the History of Iran only two have little information on the Moguls which themselves have taken from theses sources, one is by Ruze Al Safa and  History and the other Habib Al Seir. Muslim historians who have written on the subject of Moguls never mention the Grey Wolf. Abol Ghazi Khan and Rashid Al Din who claim to have seen many documents on Genghis and express opinions on the origin of the Moguls only mention "Burette Chine" which in Mongolian language means the Grey Wolf as a renounced personality. According to these historians " Alan Ghoa" became pregnant by a human being that descended from the sky as a light and Genghis Khan was born. Wolf, amongst the moguls is a symbol of rage, it is said in history that when Genghis heard the news of the massacre of his people by the men of  Kharazmshah he became angry, climbed a mountain and howled liked a wolf and hence its people realized that they had to prepare for war. There is no ancient castle or fortress or indeed an ancient barrack where such a huge army may have trained and prepared for war. Those who repeat such nonsense should be ashamed, you should have more insight.

   Anoush Raavid / IRAN / raavidco@yahoo.com

  "campaign for erasing the lies from the history of Iran".

 Iran's invasion by the Arabs, the second biggest lie in history.

 Iran's invasion by the Moguls, the third biggest lie in history.

 In order to understand the truth about history read all the articles in Anoush Raavid’s web logs:  

   English:  http://www.raavid.blogfa.com

     Farsi:   http://ravid.ir

Revelando las mentiras de la historia

En la historia y en la historia social hay muchas mentiras, mentiras que han influenciado el destino de la humanidad y desviado la planificación y el futuro, mentiras como las siguientes:

La invasión a Irán por Alejandro de Macedonia, la mentira más grande de la historia;

La invasión a Irán por los Árabes nómadas, la segunda mentira más grande de la historia;

La invasión a Irán por Chengiz el mogol, la tercera mentira más grande de la historia;

Mentiras significativas como la guerra de Gadesiyyeh y la batalla de Chaldran;

Mentiras sobre las culturas, como el helenismo…

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  Tour of Iran;  visit all the historic and interesting places, competitive prices and excellent service, please contact : raavidco@yahoo.com

    The lies of history, Ancient history, Aryan history, The history of ancient Persia, the history of the art, the history of Alexander, the history of Hellenism, the history of the Arabs, the history of  Genghis Khan and the Mongols, the history of the Uzbeks, the history of democracy and the revelation of the lies of history.


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